Hiking the Half Collared Kingfisher Trail
Hiking the Half Collared Kingfisher Trail

Hiking the Half Collared Kingfisher Trail

Nestled within the lush embrace of South Africa’s Garden Route lies a trail that beckons adventures and nature enthusiasts alike – the Half-Collared Kingfisher Trail. An enchanting journey through indigenous forests, along serene riversides, and towards breathtaking waterfalls, this hiking experience embodies the essence of tranquility and natural beauty.

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Information about the trail

The Half-Collared Kingfisher Trail is located in Wilderness and offers some spectacular views along the way.

Level: Easy

Total distance: ±4 km

Most of the trail consists of a wooden walkway that runs through the forest. The trail is clearly marked and the best part is the waterfall right at the end of the hike. So remember to take a bathing suit with you, as a quick dip is the perfect way to cool off after the hike.

There is also plenty of space to bask in the sun or even have a picnic – so come prepared!

This trail is quite popular and tends to get busy, so make sure you go early if you want to have the waterfall all to yourself.

Two options for the trail

OPTION 1: You can either hike the full trail starting at the Ebb-and-Flow Rest Camp – alongside the rail/ road bridge (📍). This is an absolutely beautiful trail to enjoy nature. And the waterfall at the end of the trail makes it worth the while.


OPTION 2: You can hire a canoe at Eden Adventures (📍). This will lead you through the lush forest. When the river becomes narrow, you can leave your canoe on the bank of the river on the right side. Then make your way to the Touw River waterfall by following the Half-Collared Kingfisher hiking trail.


Entrance Fee

You’ll have to pay a conservation fee when doing this hike. The fees are as follows: (2023)

South African citizens and residents: R55 Adult / R27 Child

SADC Nationals: R110 Adult / R55 Child

International Visitors: R190 Adult / R95 Child

You can also refer to SANPARK’s website under the Wilderness section.

You’ll have to pay the conservation fee, whether you do the full hike or if you decide to go for the canoe option.


More about the trail

As the trail begins, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The Half-Collared Kingfisher Trail unveils its charm gradually as the path meanders through dense forests adorned with towering yellowwoods and ancient stinkwoods.

The trail follows the tranquil flow of the Touw River, offering hikers glimpses of its serene waters and the vibrant birdlife that thrives in this verdant habitat. The melody of chirping birds and the rustle of leaves intertwine, creating a harmonious soundtrack for the journey.

At every turn, the trail reveals its treasures. As you get closer to the end of the trail, you’ll hear the cascading waterfalls. Once there, take a jump into the crystal-clear pools. 


Tips for the hike

  1. Prepare for the Trail: Comfortable hiking shoes, water, sunscreen, and insect repellent are essential.
  2. Respect Nature: Stay on marked paths and avoid disturbing wildlife or vegetation.
  3. Capture the Moments: Bring a camera to capture the trail’s vistas and serene moments.

Hiking the Half-Collared Kingfisher Trail is an invitation to connect with nature’s wonders. Each step along this trail echoes the rhythm of the wilderness. Embrace the tranquility, revel in the beauty, and savour the serenity of this picturesque hiking opportunity.

Where to stay in Wilderness?

Guest House / Lodge / Hotel:

Self Catering:

Not quite what you were looking for? Check out other accommodation options below.


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Hassaan Tanvir
3 years ago

Thank you very much for the information.

4 years ago

awww so trots op jou vriendin♥️👏 baie baie profesionally done😁


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